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Standards for Participation

If students receive any of the following during a trimester 2 or 3, they will lose their eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities:

  1. More than one F (failing) grade on their report card.
  2. More than one U (unsatisfactory) in behavior and effort on report card.
  3. Excessive absences (ten or more absences per trimester, excluding serious medical conditions with a doctor’s note).
  4. Three or more office referrals.
  5. Three or more days of suspensions.
  6. Severe clause: Students arrested for any illegal activity will automatically lose all privileges for the remainder of the year.

If eighth graders lose their eligibility for two trimesters, they forfeit the privilege to participate in the promotion ceremony and 8th grade related reward activity. An appeals process is in place for the promotion ceremony only. Parents of eighth grade students will be notified trimester 2 and 3 if their child has lost extracurricular privileges.